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Yamanevler  Ortaokulu  is a secondary school  which was established in the centre of Umraniye, Ä°stanbul  in 1963. Since then,it has provided education for many students. In the past (until 2014)it was both primary and secondary school. After some educational changes,it became a secondary school. It is one of the most popular schools of Umraniye.Approximately every year 400 students graduate from this school. Some students come by school buses from surrounding towns. It has totally 1526 students now. In the morning 757 students (7th and 8th classes)  and  in the afternoon , 682 students( 5th and 6th classes) have education at Yamanevler  Secondary School. First lesson starts at 7.10 p.m and the last lesson ends at 6.40 p.m)There are 33 classrooms ,73 teachers who are experienced in their branches, a school principal and 4 deputy principals at school.Yamanevler Secondary  School  is located in the Asian side of Ä°stanbul. It is 600 m far from the town of Umraniye. Umraniye is a very large working class district of Istanbul, Turkey, with a population of over 650,000 inhabitants. It began as a small village of under 900 people mainly immigrated from Black Sea Region, but in the early 1950s. Its population grew far beyond its capacity during the 1970s and 1980s due to migration to the cities from rural areas of Anatolia. Ümraniye is one of the fastest growing areas in Istanbul. Numerous international businesses are now based in Umraniye, which attract young, well-educated people from all over Turkey. 
All students learn English as a foreign language.All classes are equipped with projections, smart boards, sound system equipments and internet Access. There are 34 whiteboards (called as”smart boards” in Turkey) now  all blackboards  changed  into whiteboards this year. 5th and 6th class students have information Technologies lessons at a specific classroom equipped with computers at the school.
Yamanevler secondary school  is also good at many  sports such as karate, table tennis, basketball and football  



The intention with this project is to facilitate learning. To engage students in learning across borders, to push students to become more aware and better citizens in Europe. It is aimed to develop pupil emotional wellbeing so that our children can become confident, happy and well adjusted individuals. Individuals who will take responsibility for their peers no matter where they come from and with what back ground. And furthermore have the synergy work within the pupils, so they are ready to step outside their comfort zone, reach out and help others who really need help being integrated in European communities.
Our project will enable partner schools to share best practice in various pedagogical approaches and teaching methods.
It will help break down barriers and prevent prejudice and stereotyping. It will foster a greater understanding and empathy towards the different  languages, cultures and ways of life of both pupils and teachers in each of the partner countries.
It will enable partner schools to share approaches to develop more culturally literate pupils. It will develop better and more responsible European citizens of the future.

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