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Hunderupskolen is a school of 765 pupils and has a faculty of 45 teachers . The pupils range from pre-school to the 9th grade. The school is one of our city's biggest and is located in the centre of Odense, which is the 3rd biggest city in Denmark. The school is well known for high standards in creating stimulating learning environments for the students. The majority of the parents have graduated from long educations and they ask questions to improve their children's education. They are very supportive parents! The faculty is a mix of many interests and teachers supply/support each other both in teaching, but also in social ways. Hunderupskolen is a relatively new school, but it has managed to build up good traditions during the year which encourage the students to help and understand each other across grades and age. Being part of this project will hopefully enable the students to expand their perception of what it means to be a European citizen instead of just being Danish. Also the project will enable the students to see that we are very different, but despite differenties, we need to help each other to overcome different problems, and if we work together, we are able to embrace and include people in need. And this on many levels.  The school is the coordinating school and will be in charge of getting the project moving forward.



The intention with this project is to facilitate learning. To engage students in learning across borders, to push students to become more aware and better citizens in Europe. It is aimed to develop pupil emotional wellbeing so that our children can become confident, happy and well adjusted individuals. Individuals who will take responsibility for their peers no matter where they come from and with what back ground. And furthermore have the synergy work within the pupils, so they are ready to step outside their comfort zone, reach out and help others who really need help being integrated in European communities.
Our project will enable partner schools to share best practice in various pedagogical approaches and teaching methods.
It will help break down barriers and prevent prejudice and stereotyping. It will foster a greater understanding and empathy towards the different  languages, cultures and ways of life of both pupils and teachers in each of the partner countries.
It will enable partner schools to share approaches to develop more culturally literate pupils. It will develop better and more responsible European citizens of the future.

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