144 Secondary School "Narodni Buditeli" is a big school in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. It is specialised in Arts, Music and Choreography. Our students are aged between 6 and 19. They are of different social status; children from intermarriages; disadvantaged for socioeconomic reasons; suffering from chronic illnesses and partial disability and students with special educational needs. These students are at different age and in different classes but they don't feel socially isolated as they are treated as individuals by the pedagogical staff and the school nurses take special care of them. Specialized teachers work with them individually. There are special and individual programs for their education and upbringing.144 Secondary School "Narodni Buditeli" is a big school with 1153 pupils and more than 120 teachers in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. The school has been working out traditions and its own profile for 29 years now. It is specialised in Arts, Music and Choreography. The profiled training in these subjects includes intensive studying of English language. Our students are aged between 6 and 19. They are of different social status; children from intermarriages; disadvantaged for socioeconomic reasons; suffering from chronic illnesses and partial disability and students with special educational needs. These students are at different age and in different classes but they don't feel socially isolated as they are treated as individuals by the pedagogical staff and the school nurses take special care of them. Specialized teachers work with them individually. There are special and individual programs for their education and upbringing.
Since 2012 the school has developed a strategy for the development of ICT and e-learning in all school subject areas. It is a modern teaching and learning process of the students of the 21st century.
The school has a modern and advanced facilities for the acquisition of European education and has numerous prizes and awards in competitions at home and abroad. It is the only member of the World Dance Association of UNESCO in Bulgaria. The school has extensive experience working in a variety of European and national projects. We have won two Comenius Quality Certificates and two Etwinning Quality Labels.