Maths is Life so Life is Maths…
With Mathematics Through Life
Turkey ZaÄŸnospaÅŸa Secondary School

Zağnospaşa Secondary School is one of the oldest school in Balıkesir. It was founded in 1965. It is also one of the most crowded schools. There are a headmaster, two deputy teachers, 81 teachers and about 1351 students. Our school is in the rural area of Balıkesir. Most of the students come from disadvantaged families. Parents have not got permanent jobs. Also we have students whose parents are divorced. We can say that many children in our school are at the risk of social exclusion living with a single or unemployed parents. On the other hand there are some students with special needs.
We have been to Life learning Programme before. And the comenius project brought possitive spirit and dynamism to our school. It encouraged teachers and students to work for these projects and learn more about European countries. Now again we would like to set up a Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only. Our staff have got ability, experience and energy to set up and run a project successfully. We are working in a creative, friendly atmosphere. Being a partner of the Erasmus+ project our institution will have opportunity to enrich our culture, learn more about new cultures, get to know better the different countries within the European Union and develop the relationship between the different generations and people. We will learn to work free of prejudice, hostility, intolerance or xenophobia among students, teachers and the participating school communities.