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Agrupamento de Escolas de Pedome

The Agrupamento de Escolas Pedome is located in Vila Nova de Famalicão, district of Braga, north of Portugal. Was established in the academic year 2000-2001, being restructured in 2007-2008, and currently covers 10 educational units. In 2014-2015, the school population is 1440 students: 192 in preschool education, 980 in primary school and 268 in secondary school. In recent years there has been increasing the number of students subsidized by the School Social Action which is not unrelated to the crisis of the Ave Valley region, particularly in the textile industry and building which has dragged families into unemployment, often of long duration. 40 % of students are supported by school social action. Currently, the school has 121 teachers in 10 educational units.
The educational priorities of the school are related to the quality of student learning:
i – Support for Improvement of learning: support, differentiate, improve and assist
ii – Relationship school – family – community and partnerships / enhenced image of school
iii – Student and family support: prevention of abandonment, absenteeism and indiscipline
iv – Organization and management: Monitoring and self-assessment