Maths is Life so Life is Maths…
With Mathematics Through Life

Szkoła Podstawowa nr.1 im.Kazimierza Wielkiego.

Primary school was founded in 1999. In our school there are 26 teachers and 278 pupils. Our school is located in Grybów in small town on the south of Poland where many people do not have a job. In our school we have a lot of pupils whose parents are poor because they do not have permanent job or only mother brings up their children. Parents of many students are divorced or emigrated to other countries to look for job and children are brought up by grandparents. It is the main reason that a lot of students are at the risk of social exclusion. What is more, in our school there are many students with specific needs (dyslexia, dysortography, dysgraphy). Teachers who work in our school are open to new ideas and have got not only energy but also a feeling of responsibility to set up a project. The project gives our students chance to learn Math in different way by using daily life, to know new cultures, learn more about new traditions, get to know new people. This Erasmus + project gives our students and teachers opportunities to develop international friendship, exchanges ideas with teaching and learning Maths and counteract intolerance between students. As a school we have taken part in Life learning Programme twice. This time we would like to take part in Erasmus + project as a coordinator. We are responsible and we know that we this project will be run in good way.